Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Thankful are We.

 I am thankful for sweet smiles from my children! They truly are the loves of my life and they bring such joy to me and Randy.

 Thankful for my mom and my brother :)
 I am thankful for a brother and sister in law who have been so wonderful to me and my children!
 I am thankful for my wonderful sister in law who can get a photo like this on a day that is as crazy as thanksgiving. If you only knew :) Librande family just think about Ender during family pictures in June. It was that :)
 Thanksgiving is always a fun time for us because it's around the time of our anniversary. This year was even more fun because it was the exact same way as it was the year we got married; the day after thanksgiving. It's hard to believe it's already been 6 years. I am so thankful for my husband and for the family he gave me. I am also so thankful for God's redemption and promise that is shown in marriage.
 I am thankful for my big family. It is not very big but it sure is fun.

And I am thankful that my kids have a loving Nana. She loves them with all her heart, and she gives everything she can to them!

We had a great Thanksgiving. As usual we went over to my brothers house and my sister in law's family came as well. It is wonderful to have both sides of the family together. It is also fun that we all get along and it can just be a fun time. I love thanksgiving with my family and I love that I only had to cook stuffing and brownies, but what I found this year is not fun is that there are no left overs when you don't cook or it's not at your house. :(   Next year we will have to rectify this!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


We went over to my brothers house and had dinner and then went trick or treating. It was a very rainy which made for a short trick or treating night but also a very memorable. Randy and I will never forget seeing Etta run through the streets in the rain holding up her dress like she was Cinderella late for the ball. It was adorable! Ender's Woody hat at least kept his head dry. They made it about an hour and then Etta got too wet and cold and wanted to be done. It is ok since we still have candy left. No costume for Kyleigh this year she stayed in the house with Nana all dry. Ender also learned that if he said trick or treat after he got a piece of candy he often would get another one! Over all we had a great night. Can't wait to do it again next year!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

looking for pumpkins

So I've been really lack about blog post. We went to a place called Hillridge farms before Halloween. We had a blast. I still don't have our trick or treating pictures on here, but here's some pictures from our time there!

9 months old Kyleigh

Kyleigh is a bundle of fun these days. She is standing up, crawling, and walking around things all the time. She is hilarious. She has learned SO BIG. It's really funny because she looks at us and just puts her hands up in the air and then smiles. She has given up nursing though. This is sad, but it's ok because I was really forcing the issue when I know I don't make enough. So now we are giving her whatever I can pump out and then formula to make the most of it. She is eating like a pig too! She still only weighs 15.5 pounds, and is 27 inches long. Very tiny. It's not all my milk, she is just petite. She is such a hoot and is so sweet. She loves being around her brother and sister. She follows them all over the house and is very fast. There have been times when we've looked around and wondered where in the world Kyleigh is. Thankful we don't have that big of a house so it's easy to find. Also since Kyleigh is the overachiever on moving on Halloween at my brothers house she decided it was time to climb stairs.
Here's a picture that our photographer took of Kyleigh a little bit ago but I never shared.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Kyleigh's little

I took Kyleigh back to the doctor this week to have her weight checked. She has gained some.... She now weighs 14.5 pounds. She has slipped even further down the growth chart to 7%.  They said they want me to keep nursing as much as I can since that's more important, but that we need to shove calories in her where we can. They aren't concerned but they don't want her to fall off the growth chart completely. So, we are adding another meal (there isn't time to add one) and pumping up everything we give her with extra calories. She is on the move like crazy though so that's burning more up. She has started to wake up several times at night again. I am wanting to feed her because she is so small but I also don't want to start something and then have to retrain her. :/   

Saturday, September 3, 2011

kyleigh at 7 months

Little K-town is moving moving moving. She is all over the place. She can crawl (she choose the Ender style of army crawl) but then she gets up on her hands and knees, she also does a plank! She can sit all by herself as well.
I will take her in next week to do her weight check. This week she's been waking up again a lot at night screaming. I am not sure it's hunger or if it's her trying to sit or stand up. She stood up on my legs today, which is just CRAZY! 

Ender turns 2

Boy oh Boy.... Here comes the fun!
Ender Manses woke up and did not know why we kept singing to him and saying Happy Birthday! He liked it though! After hanging out at home and playing we went to the park to have a little party. Just our family and a couple friends from home group came and we had a blast. Of course we had to have a woody cake for him. I think he knew what was going on since the week before we did Etta's birthday! He was really excited to open presents, however, he HATED when we showed him something and then took it away!
Ender is such a sweet boy! He talks a lot, and he loves his sisters! He loves Woody, Pandas, Mickey Mouse, and Monkeys. He still loves to put on anyones shoes. He loves all balls, and he is a goof ball. He is a boy for sure, but he has a really sweet heart.

Ender also had his 2 year old check up the day after his birthday. He weighed 27 pounds and is 36.5 inches tall. He is in the 30% for weight, but in the 95% for height. We've been noticing he's tall compared to other kiddos his age, but had no idea! I wonder if that will keep up and he'll be as big as his uncles Tim and Jake!?

Ender did not get his shots because when they took his blood they found that his platelets were really high. They are assuming this is because he's been fighting something for the last couple weeks. We have to take him back on Wednesday to get them checked to make sure they are coming back down. Praying that's all it is. As long as they are he will get his 2 year old shots on Wednesday and then be done until 5!

This week Ender moves up to the big 2 year old sunday school room. He will have a small group leader and everything!

Julietta turns 5

Baby girl turned 5 a couple weeks ago!!!!  I can't believe how time flies. It seems last year we had her as a little baby. I'm starting to think that birthdays will be happy and sad for me from here on out. I just realize how fast time flies, and it's just sad. It's life, but still sad!
Julietta had a wonderful day. We woke up to pancakes, eggs, cinnamon rolls, and bacon! This is her favorite breakfast so she was excited. Then we opened two presents one from Grandma Linda and one from Grandma Punkie. She loves all her new stuff!
After that we hung out for a little bit and let Kyleigh and Ender take a quick nap. We then went over to Al and Laura's pool and had a little party for her. She wanted a tinker bell party this year so we got a tinker bell cake, balloons, and table cloth. She had a blast!
Thank you Etta for being such a special and sweet girl!