Other than that, the only new thing is Ender has deceided finally to give us a belly laugh, but he has only done it twice and only for Randy and if I come up to see he stops!
Ender has had his first cold this week. He is a little grumpy but for the most part is such a well mannered baby. Even the people at the doctors office were like is he always this quiet. He didn't seem to mind anything they did until they got to the shots.
Ender is still loving bath time. Julietta loves to give him one. The other day I tried to bathe them together, this did not work out so well since Ender pretty much just floated and I coudln't even wash him up, but Julietta liked it a lot!
Also, I have been doing babywise for the past week. I have my sanity back!!!! Ender is now on track. He eats every 2 1/2 -3 1/2 hours and naps in between! I am still feeding him 7 times a day but he is doing so much better. He seems a lot more happy and I am MUCH more happy :) Two of those days I've managed to get their naps lined up and I actually had an hour to myself. With two I am finding it so much harder to keep the house looking the way I want. It almost feels like if I completly take care of the house and have some time for me then I'm being a bad mom, if I spend really good quality time with the kids and take care of the house then I have nothing left for me or for Randy, and then if I take the time for myself and spend quality time with the kids then I'm being a bad homemaker because the house suffers. It's frustrating, and i need/want to find a balance because obviously all things need to get done. Any tips from moms with multiple kids is appreciated!!!