Well I don't have any pictures to upload right now, but I thought I'd go ahead and update the blog anyway. This past week was good. Randy was busy at work and getting ready to leave. We got to visit our good friends up here that just had their baby. Made me want ours even more! Holding him, I realized how ready I am. Not that I'm just ready to be done with pregnancy (I AM!) but I just want to hold him and see what he looks like! Randy feels the same way, we just can't wait to see his face and see if he looks like Julietta or like me! haha.
Randy left this morning bright and early. Super sad. This will be the longest we've ever been apart. His flight gets in August 23rd! They said they'll fly him back early if we need him too. Julietta flies into Raleigh tonight!!!!! I'm so stinking excited to see her :) It's been way too long! I'll stay with Al and Laura tonight and hopefully tomorrow night. I have to come back here on Thursday though because I have another nonstress test on friday morning. But since Thursday is my birthday I will be back here by myself!
We had our first nonstress test today. It went well. It was an hour long of sitting in a chair listening to his little heartbeat go up and down. It was a little low, but they weren't worried. My fluid level checked out fine too. My blood pressure was actually down a little bit more! Could be because it was bright and early and I was laying down, but we'll see! I have another nonstress test friday and a normal appointment.
Baby boy is moving around a lot. My stomach moves from side to side a lot! Still having braxton hicks, and they've started to cause some radiating back pain. Switching sides at night has become almost comidically funny, because it's so hard and so painful!
We did some baby shopping before Randy left. We bought a double stroller. We just got a combi twin. I like it! It's small enough to fit through doors but it's side by side which is what i like. It doesn't have the air pump tires which I really wanted but I really didn't want to spend 500 dollars on a stroller. Then we found a convertable car seat on clearance. I'm super picky about car seats and having the safest one. Julietta has a britax which is one of the top two safest car seats. The other is a recaro. They are super expensive, but I believe you can't put a price on that. So I went looking online at car seats because I don't feel the infant car seat is cushy enough and I found a recaro on closeout because of the color for more than 50% off. We were super stoked! The nursery is almost done. I ordered some star wars prints too, but they haven't come in and I need to buy some frames. I will post pics as soon as I'm done!
Okay, so now that I've rambled on and on! Oh and one last thing we have decieded to for sure not try for a VBAC. I've been thinking about it because well this will most likely be our last one, and I kinda wanted to try. But I did a lot of research on it, and it just wouldn't be a good idea for us. The likelyhood of a ruptured uterus (even though it's small), is just something that I don't want to risk. Also since my labor was so hard last time and I never dialetd it makes the likelyhood that the same thing will happen again which will just exhaust me! So anyhoo, that's that! I'll post pics of the belly, room, and julietta's room soon!